KayConcept – Creativity Coaching


All you needed to know about Work-life balance for Startup teams

Like is work-life balance possible? 

What Deadpool Can Teach Us About Embracing Imperfections 

When I first saw Deadpool in 2016, I was hooked by how the character totally embraced his flaws. His self-deprecating humor and sharp sarcasm really resonated with me. Back in my university days, my...

Red Flags in Communication Strategies for Engaging Millennials and Gen Z

Mastering Employee Retention Revolution for Lasting Workplace Success Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash The art of communication is the language of leadership by James Humes, a renowned American...

Retention Revolution: The Key to Reducing Turnover and Building a Winning Team

Mastering Employee Retention Revolution for Lasting Workplace Success Photo by Catherine Breslin on Unsplash Talent retention is not just about keeping employees; it’s about creating an...

Failing Forward: How Startups Can Turn Setbacks into Ultimate Breakthroughs

Benefits of Failing Forward: How Setbacks Propel Success Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash The startup landscape is a dynamic arena characterized by intense competition, and rapid innovation. Imagine...

Mastering the Art of Work-Life Balance In Startups

Startup team’s concise guide to wellbeing and work-life balance Photo by Ben Griffiths on Unsplash Shall we discuss work-life balance in the startup world? I totally get the whole startup scene...

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Embracing Ultradian Rhythms for Startup Success

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Embracing Ultradian Rhythms for Startup Success You know that burst of energy you feel every morning? That’s what we call the “morning peak.” It’s...

Work-Life Balance & Burnout

Leadership’s Work-Life Balance Guide to Keeping Burnout at Bay Hey there, startup professionals! Today, let’s talk about that sneaky villain lurking in the shadows of the startup world –...

Work-Life Balance for Leaders

Welcome, innovative entrepreneurs! As you embark on your exciting journey of building your own ventures and making a meaningful impact, it’s crucial to remember that success is not solely...